Tuesday 18 June 2019

Exit Interview

 1. Comment about your work ethic in this course and why.
 ...be honest here

I felt that my work ethic has been pretty good in this class.  I have never been the best or the fastest when it comes to computers, but I have managed to keep up with most people in this class and I have always gotten my assignments handed in.  To be honest there has been one or two days that I played games instead of doing work, but overall I have made the most of my time.

 2. Which assignments did you enjoy and why? 
... list them out

I really enjoyed the first unit we did which was working with java script.  It was really fun being able to code things and I felt like I understood it easily.  Overall I enjoyed all of the units we have done involving coding, like the microbit unit, code combat, and swift playgrounds.  I also really liked the minecraft unit.  I liked that we got to build a lot of things, it was lots of fun.

 3. Which assignments did you struggle with and why? 
...list them out

By far the unit I most struggled with was the animate unit.  I had a really hard time trying to figure out how to use it properly and all the projects I found really hard.  I also constantly forgot how to do things. When making the fish tank I had to constantly look back on the instructions on the word documents to make certain things, like shape tweens or how to program a button.  I also didn't really like the raft assignment.  It was really hard to figure out basic things for me and now I am at the point where I don't really know how to progress.

Raft - Game Journalism 3

Making the most use of my new grill.  Lunch time.

The stupid shark ate my raft, making repairs now.
LAND HO!!!!!!
I have successfully anchored by the island, but my staircase was too short, so I had to upgrade to this new one.
Harvesting my first tree.
I got a lot of stuff from the island, so I needed another storage.
This isn't the best screen shot, but I finally killed the shark!!!!(victory!!!!)

Raft - Game Journalism 2

I am starting to fish, it is lots of fun and good source of food.
I have discovered how to make a paddle, it is very useful.
I built this staircase for boarding islands when I drop the anchor beside them, I have not got to use it yet but I think it will be useful.

Friday 14 June 2019

Raft - Game Journalism 1

I am collecting water for the purifier (I have already died once for not doing this).

I ran out of wood because I was so focused on fishing and cooking the fish, so now I need to do more collect debris.

This is my water purifier (good thing).

This is my new basic grill (good thing).


Raft - Work Day 1

1.  This game is about trying to survive out in the middle of the ocean by building a raft throughout the game.  You do this by collecting debris floating around in the ocean.
2.  You start out in the game with only one tool, a hook attached to a rope.  You use this tool to collect the debris floating around your raft by throwing it at items a little out of your reach.

3.  My raft has basic equipment for surviving out on the ocean.  I have a basic purifier, a bed, a basic grill, a crop grower, and a small storage

4.  There are four different types of debris floating around in the ocean, wood, plastic items, palm leaves, and barrels.  The first three types of debris can be used to build things, the fourth item contains many items that can either be used to build things or be eaten.


6.  I died twice very quickly in this game.  The first time I died of thirst, so the second time I played, I made getting pure water my number one priority, but then I died of hunger.